Jaw-Dropping Story of How IGLA Alarm System Saved a Dodge Charger Hellcat from Thieves – Protect Your Ride Today

Dodge Charger Hellcat owners are no strangers to the anxiety of potential car theft. With powerful engines and stunning looks, these vehicles are prime targets for thieves. One such Hellcat owner, i3oosted, shared their story on a forum post about how the IGLA alarm system saved their prized possession from being stolen. In this article, we’ll delve into their story, discuss how the IGLA alarm can help protect your Dodge Charger from theft, and provide an in-depth look at the features that make IGLA alarms so effective.

Dodge Charger Hellcat redeye
Dodge Charger Hellcat Redeye

i3oosted’s Close Call: The IGLA Alarm in Action

The forum post titled “IGLA Saved my car, Sorta” details i3oosted’s harrowing experience with their 2022 Dodge Charger Hellcat Redeye. The owner had the IGLA system installed as a precautionary measure, which ultimately proved to be a wise decision, as it prevented the car from being stolen.

According to the post, the thieves broke the driver’s side window, unlocked the car, and went straight for the OBD2 port in an attempt to program a new key and drive off with the vehicle. While the car’s alarm didn’t go off immediately, the IGLA system kept the car secure by preventing the thieves from starting the engine. The car was parked in a work parking garage with badge access and security cameras, but that didn’t deter the criminals from attempting the theft.

Despite the unfortunate break-in, the IGLA alarm’s effectiveness was proven in this real-world scenario. The story highlights the importance of being proactive in securing your vehicle, as even seemingly secure locations can be targeted by thieves. Installing an IGLA alarm can provide an essential layer of protection for your valuable vehicle.

What Makes IGLA Alarms So Effective?

The IGLA alarm system has several features that make it an excellent choice for protecting your vehicle from theft. Some of these features include:

  • Digital engine locking: IGLA locks the engine without interfering with the car’s control units and circuits, making it difficult for thieves to bypass.
  • Smart engine locking: The system locks the engine based on data from car sensors and status analysis, providing an additional layer of security.
  • Protection against OBD port method: IGLA prevents thieves from programming new keys through the OBD port, requiring a PIN for authorized access.
  • Multiple deactivation methods: The security system can be deactivated using a key fob, smartphone, or by entering the PIN-code with standard vehicle buttons.
  • Retains factory remote start: Unlike some other systems, IGLA allows you to continue using your factory remote start feature.

Check out our Features Page for a more indepth look at features from the IGLA alarm system.

IGLA vs. Ravelco: A Comparison

When it comes to vehicle security, IGLA and Ravelco are two popular options among car owners. Both systems offer protection against theft, but they have their own unique features and advantages. To help you make an informed decision, let’s take a closer look at the key differences between these two systems.

Installation and Appearance

Ravelco Device

One of the main differences between IGLA and Ravelco is the installation process and how they appear in your vehicle. The Ravelco system requires a physical plug to be installed on the dash. This plug serves as a removable component that must be inserted to start the car. While this may add a level of security, it can be inconvenient and aesthetically unappealing to some users.

IGLA Alarm System Device
Igla Alarm System Device

On the other hand, the IGLA system is designed to be discreet and unobtrusive. It uses the car’s standard wiring, making it difficult for thieves to locate or bypass. With IGLA, there’s no need for additional hardware on the dash, and the system remains hidden until the engine is started.

Remote Start Functionality

When it comes to remote start compatibility, IGLA has an advantage over Ravelco. IGLA allows vehicle owners to continue using their factory remote start feature without any interference. This is a significant convenience factor for those who value the ability to start their car remotely, especially during extreme weather conditions.

Ravelco device installed on a Dodge Challenger
Ravelco device installed on a Dodge Challenger

Conversely, Ravelco’s system may interfere with factory remote start functionality due to the required physical plug on the dash. As a result, users may need to sacrifice remote start capabilities for the added security that Ravelco provides.

Deactivation Methods

IGLA offers multiple deactivation methods for added convenience and flexibility. The security system can be deactivated using a key fob, smartphone, or by entering the PIN-code with standard vehicle buttons. This makes it easy for authorized users to access and start the vehicle while maintaining a high level of security.

Ravelco, on the other hand, relies solely on the physical plug system for deactivation. This means users must remember to carry the plug with them and insert it into the dash to start the vehicle. While this may provide the sense of security, it can also be less convenient for some users.


When comparing IGLA and Ravelco, it’s clear that both systems offer protection against vehicle theft. However, IGLA has its advantages, including a discreet installation, and compatibility with factory remote start. Additionally, IGLA offers multiple deactivation methods for added convenience. While Ravelco may also be an effective security solution, its focus on the physical plug system may be less convenient for some users.

How IGLA Houston Can Help Protect Your Vehicle

IGLA Houston Logo black
IGLA Houston

IGLA Houston is an installation facility specializing in IGLA brand alarms, located in Houston, Texas. The team at IGLA Houston has the expertise and experience to properly install IGLA systems in your vehicle, ensuring optimal protection against theft.

With IGLA, you can have peace of mind knowing that your Dodge Charger is well-protected from criminals. The story of i3oosted and their Hellcat serves as a testament to the effectiveness of the IGLA alarm system.

In conclusion, if you want to prevent your Dodge Charger from being stolen, consider investing in an IGLA alarm system. With its innovative features and proven track record, it’s a smart choice for vehicle protection. Don’t wait until it’s too late – contact IGLA Houston today and secure your prized possession.

Tips for Further Enhancing Vehicle Security

While the IGLA alarm system is a powerful tool in protecting your Dodge Charger from theft, there are additional steps you can take to enhance your vehicle’s security:

  1. Park in well-lit, visible areas: Whenever possible, park your car in a spot that is well-lit and easily visible to passersby. Thieves are less likely to target vehicles that are out in the open.
  1. Use a steering wheel lock: Adding a steering wheel lock can serve as a visual deterrent and add an extra layer of protection against theft.
  2. Tint your windows: Tinting your windows can make it more difficult for thieves to see inside your vehicle and scope out potential targets.
  3. Be cautious with your keys: Never leave your keys in your vehicle or in a location where they can be easily stolen. Be mindful of who you give your keys to and ensure they are trustworthy.
  4. Be discreet about your vehicle: As demonstrated in i3oosted’s story, it’s important to be careful when discussing your vehicle with others. The less people know about your car, the lower the chances of it being targeted.

The Importance of Vehicle Security

As a Dodge Charger owner, it’s essential to take the necessary precautions to protect your investment. Thieves are always looking for opportunities to steal high-value vehicles, and the Dodge Charger is no exception. By investing in an IGLA alarm system and following the additional security tips mentioned above, you can greatly reduce the risk of your vehicle being stolen.

Remember, prevention is always better than dealing with the aftermath of a theft. By being proactive and taking the necessary steps to secure your vehicle, you can have peace of mind knowing that your Dodge Charger is safe from criminals.


The story of i3oosted and their Dodge Charger Hellcat is a testament to the effectiveness of the IGLA alarm system. By investing in an IGLA system, you can better protect your vehicle from theft and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your prized possession is secure. Don’t wait until it’s too late – contact IGLA Houston today and secure your Dodge Charger. With its innovative features and proven track record, the IGLA alarm system is an invaluable tool in the fight against vehicle theft.

To read the original forum post by i3oosted, visit the following link: https://www.hellcat.org/threads/igla-saved-my-car-sorta.257444/

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